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原创 C文件读写

//读写文件#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h> typedef struct{int value;} NodeData; typedef struct N{NodeData data;struct N *next;} node_t; void writeData2File(n...

2018-12-25 22:28:08 224

原创 Replaying a test case (KLEE)

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/klee/klee_build/klee/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATHgcc -I ../../include -L /home/klee/klee_build/klee/lib/ get_sign.c -lkleeRuntestKTEST_FILE=klee-last/test000001.ktest ./a.out ...

2018-12-20 01:01:46 373 1



2017-11-17 07:54:03 4869 1


设置hooks后如果不起作用,可能的原因是当前用户没有权限访问修改hooks中所涉及的目录和文件,使用chown命令更新相关文件夹和文件就可以了。下面是post-receive的一个例子:GIT_REPO=$HOME/react.gitTMP_GIT_CLONE=$HOME/tmp/myrepoGIT_WORK_TREE="$TMP_GIT_CLONE" git check

2016-01-22 13:03:26 2356

原创 Glassfish Active Directory SSL LDAP JNDI

Glassfish应用使用JNDI LDAP的方式访问Windows Server的Active Directory,如果需要SSL加密,则需要配置证书。 下面是一个简短的方案。首先进入windows server 2003控制面板的添加或删除程序功能,选择添加或删除Windows组件,选中证书服务,执行下一步安装。证书服务安装完成后,在c盘根目录下有一个crt文件,将该文

2016-01-01 21:38:47 546

原创 web.xml中servlet初始化参数设置多个值

web.xml中servlet初始化参数设置多个值,可以使用分号分隔,如下示例在Jersey中增加jsp和log支持:init-param>             param-name>jersey.config.server.provider.classnamesparam-name>             param-value>        

2015-12-23 13:19:18 3423

转载 GlassFish WELD IllegalStateException

转自:https://github.com/payara/Payara/issues/300项目中使用Glassfish热部署出现WELD IllegalStateException 异常,找到如下解决方式,试过可行:created a weld.properties file under /src/main/resources with the content

2015-12-23 12:56:22 1103

原创 单链表反转

package src;import java.util.Stack;/* * 单链表反转 * author : Huixing Fang */public class ReverseLinkedList { static class Node { int value; Node next; Node(){} Node(int value, Node nex

2014-09-19 00:48:14 731

原创 最长公共子串的长度

/* * 编写函数,获取两段字符串的最长公共子串的长度, * 例如: S1= GCCCTAGCCAGDE *     S2= GCGCCAGTGDE   *  这两个序列的最长公共子串是GCCAG,也就是说返回值为5。 *  1)请先描述思路;2)编写完整代码实现,编程语言不限 */public class LongestSubString {public

2014-09-17 22:20:43 853

原创 visio 图片 转 eps

首先在系统中添加打印机,图示如下:下一步,完成添加打印机之后,在visio中File菜单下选择"print...",之后操作如下图所示:打印机属性设置:Postscript输出选项设置为封装的PostScript(EPS)保存文件之后用GSview打开之后,在File菜单下选择PS to EPS,如下图所示,勾选自动计算界限,点击Yes另存文件就可以

2012-02-17 19:48:05 1136

原创 Ubuntu 中 安装 tikz 2.10


2011-12-25 17:51:27 1528

原创 SHELL printf octal value

SHELL printf Format Directives中有一项是:\NNN character with octal value NNN (1 to 3 digits)"NNN"是个三位数字表示的八进制数, 如:八进制数101表示十进制数65,如下 printf "\101\n"会打印出字符A,这个命令的功能就是打印出ASCII码为八进制数101的字符。-------

2011-12-19 11:17:06 599

原创 笔记有关Java的一些问题

1.如何定义常量:用static final关键字来定义2.哪个是同步的?Hashtable: Hashtable is synchronized.Vector:Vector is synchronized.TreeSet:Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If

2011-12-18 17:44:33 744

原创 python from __future__ import division

from __future__ import division导入python未来支持的语言特征division(精确除法),当我们没有在程序中导入该特征时,"/"操作符执行的是截断除法(Truncating Division),当我们导入精确除法之后,"/"执行的是精确除法,如下所示:----------------------------------------------------

2011-12-18 13:06:42 56759 4

原创 Four types of inner class

Nested top-level classes(static member class (or interface)) :当我们在一个类A里面定义了另一个类B,并指定B的修饰符为static,那么编译器会把类B与其他普通类一样看待。其他类可以通过A.B来得到类B的入口。比如可以在其他类中通过import A.B来导入类B。类B与其他普通类的区别是B可以访问A中的静态成员。

2011-12-17 19:59:17 695

原创 SHELL variables default value, ${var:-DEFAULT}和${var=DEFAULT}的一点区别

${var:-DEFAULT}和${var=DEFAULT}的区别:${var:-DEFAULT} If var not set or is empty, evaluate expression as $DEFAULT ${var=DEFAULT} If var not set, evaluate expression as $DEFAULT 如下例子,var先被赋值为空,然后用“=”

2011-12-17 14:17:54 3085

原创 CHM 字体

如果没有指定适合自己浏览的字体大小,我们在看chm的文档或书籍时会发现字体比较小,而我比较喜欢字体大一点,所以,下面用图示的方法记录一下,如何在chm中修改文字字体:1. 首先是在chm窗体的"选项"菜单中找到"Internet选项(I)...",点击它进入Internet选项设置窗体:2. 在Internet选项窗体中点击常规下面的外观的辅助功能按钮:3. 在辅助功能

2011-12-02 13:02:21 1166

原创 虚拟机 常量池

之前将"虚拟机必须为每个被装载的类型维护一个常量池"这句话理解成了不同的类型的类声明中如果有相同类型的对象域,即使对象域持有的字面量一样,也应该不是同一个对象,因为他们在不同的类型中被声明的,所以在不同的常量池中,事实证明我的理解是错的。如:public class A{     public String s = "x";}public  class B{

2011-11-28 14:36:41 527

原创 The first image of strawberry perl

Well,A 100% Open Source Perl for Windows that is exactly the same as Perl everywhere else; Today, I will begin with strawberry perl now. The following statement will give us a more clear representatio

2011-11-27 12:55:07 705

原创 Unicode

打开网址http://inamidst.com/stuff/unidata/可以查看unicode以及对应的字符:点击选择一个字符后,会转到http://www.fileformat.info这个网址,这个网站上会显示该字符的详细信息,包Unicode Data,Encodings,在html/c/c++/java/python 语言中的编码信息。比如下面是美元符号的信息:

2011-11-25 15:36:52 730

原创 Pydev encoding

在Eclipse中设置:window->preferences->general->editors->text editors->spelling->encoding->UTF-8window->preferences->workspace->text file encoding->UTF-8对于eclipse配置文件eclipse.ini,末行加上”-Dfile.enco

2011-11-21 19:34:56 523

转载 一位MIT计算机博士对数学知识的思考

在过去的一年中,我一直在数学的海洋中游荡,research进展不多,对于数学世界的阅历算是有了一些长进。为什么要深入数学的世界?作为计算机的学生,我没有任何企图要成为一个数学家。我学习数学的目的,是要 想爬上巨人的肩膀,希望站在更高的高度,能把我自己研究的东西看得更深广一些。说起来,我在刚来这个学校的时候,并没有预料到我将会有一个深入数学的旅 程。我的导师最初希望我去做的题目,是对appear

2011-11-10 16:25:22 1534

转载 与天真的距离(转)文:刘瑜

转载自 donger我在哈佛做一年博士后,这一年,除了领钱,基本也没有什么别的任务。为了防止自己整天缩在家里,把薄薄的那一沓钱翻来覆去地数,我决定去旁听几门课。那天我去学校我所在的机构,跟机构里的秘书表达了此意。她非常干脆地说,没问题啊,只要教授同意,都可以呀。我问,有没有一个什么社科方面的课程清单,我看看有什么课可选。我问的时候,想象的是几页纸,可以站

2011-11-06 22:32:10 2715

转载 Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or InternetAs a publisher of a Help Creation tool in Help Builder, I’ve seen a lot of problems with people not being able to run

2011-11-05 22:19:16 986

转载 Java的内存泄漏

Java的内存泄漏欧阳辰 ([email protected]),周欣 (mailto:[email protected]),简介: Java的一个重要优点就是通过垃圾收集器(Garbage Collection,GC)自动管理内存的回收,程序员不需要通过调用函数来释放内存。因此,很多程序员认为Java不存在内存泄漏问题,或者认为即使有内存泄漏也不

2011-10-28 21:33:36 407

转载 CIO圈子里的“老行家”:太平绅士赖锡璋

作者:周应出处:IT经理世界2007-08-10 07:00在香港的CIO圈子里,赖锡璋是唯一一位太平绅士。进入IT行业40年来,他一直致力于通过各种途径推动香港IT业的发展,其在IT应用上的深厚修为和影响力,连李泽楷都尊称其一声“老行家”。  今年7月1日,恰逢香港回归10周年,赖锡璋受邀参加了香港新一任特首曾荫权的交接典礼和晚会。在此之前,他作为香港IT界的

2011-10-22 13:44:02 2167

转载 名词作定语修饰名词

名词可以作定语修饰名词,作定语的名词往往是说明其中名词的材料、用途、时间、地点、内容、类别等。 ⒈材料 a diamond necklace a bamboo pole paper money a stone bridge ⒉用途 a meeting room the t

2011-10-18 09:55:43 2616

转载 PDF合并


2011-09-13 12:42:10 851

原创 rails server Could not find gem 'sqlite3-ruby (>= 0)'

E:\fanghuixing\rubygems\rubygems-1.8.8>gem install railsSuccessfully installed rails-3.0.101 gem installedInstalling ri documentation

2011-08-20 12:42:10 4137

转载 37signals - 《Getting Real》

37signals - 《Getting Real》37signals     37signals创造了内部开发的敏捷方法,并形成WEB2.0创业的经典读物《Getting Real》 。在这套方法论中使用及时快速的编程方法,并着重于创造有益的阿尔法软件的小团队,

2011-08-19 17:47:03 955

原创 matlab eps scope simulink stateflow latex paper

为了能让matlab中仿真数据导出为eps格式图片,以便在写论文时能够加入latex中:用matlab 的打印eps到文件的功能,得到的eps文件中的图像却是纵向的,而latex中需要的是横向的图片,所以需要重新导出。首先选择打印设置:如下图所示 单击Prin

2011-07-20 20:33:52 1748

原创 tikzpicture 缩放 图片 文字

缩放图片大小:\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9]也可以用xscale 和 yscale来指定如果需要同时缩放字体和node可以紧接着加入下面这条\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\small,scale=0.9]其中字体指定为小号

2011-07-15 10:53:13 7625 1

原创 Gordian Knot 戈尔迪之结


2011-06-30 18:20:00 2608

转载 taikonaut一词的由来

<br />转自:http://tr.hjenglish.com/page/53237/ 作者:张霄军 | 来源 《中国科技术语》  时间 2年前  阅读 4631 次  字体 [ 大 中 小 ]   [收藏]  [划词已启用]   <br />随着“神五”和“神六”的圆满飞天和“嫦娥奔月”工程的顺利进展,中国已经成为继美国、俄罗斯以后第三个拥有载人技术到地球以外太空飞翔的国家,我国的航空航天事业吸引了全球的目光。目前,在英文媒体上taikona

2011-02-18 14:21:00 1527

原创 Shortcuts for the Edit menu

  Default shortcuts Below is the list of predefined keyboard and mouse shortcuts for Notepad++. They can be freely configured using the shortcut mapper, as well as all the commands which were not bound to shortcuts by default. This list does not include st

2010-06-11 10:07:00 450

原创 Spring web应用classes目录绝对路径

在web应用中获取classes目录的绝对路径:URL url = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader().getResource("/");URI uri = url.toURI();//得到uriString path = uri.getPath();//得到解码后的绝对路径其中ClassUtils类是org.springframework.u

2010-04-06 19:47:00 1979

原创 ubuntu修改键盘映射

通过xmodmap -pk 命令找到右shift键得keycode,打算将右shift映射到我笔记本的等号键去,因为笔记本上的等号键还具有加号键得功能,所以需要以下命令:xmodmap -e “keycode 62 = equal plus”62是右shift的keycode,equal和plus分别表示等号键和加号键 为了让系统启动时就设置这样的映射,System ->Pre

2010-04-04 23:41:00 2940

原创 Spring,控制器中使用request及应用绝对路径

在控制器中,可以通过在方法参数中加入一个request参数就可以得到当前的request对象然后通过调用request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/")可以得到web应用在系统中的绝对路径该绝对路径类似:E:/skyway/Skyway Visual Perspectives CE/workspace/.

2010-04-03 02:03:00 1140

原创 mina,TextLineDecoder

使用mina的TextLineDecoder,可以指定接收数据的结束符号,但如果没有指定结束符,就默认会去匹配/n或者/r结束符如果从服务端返回的数据没有包含这些结束符,客户端就会等待。为了不让客户端等待下去,可以增加一个TextLineDecoder子类,如下: public class ClientTextLineDecoder extends TextLi

2010-04-01 19:31:00 5208

原创 接口,new,匿名内部类

接口不能被实例化,如:----------------清单1----------------------public interface Test {    public void doIt();}---------------------------------------------在测试类中语句:Test Tone = new Test();就是错的。

2010-03-19 21:23:00 576

Understanding Formal Methods

This book is aimed at all those who are rightly puzzled by the complex and controversial panorama of formal methods. It is unique as to its completeness and its compromise between rigorous exposition of underlying mathematical theories and concrete explanations of the implementation of techniques using actual tools. One of its essential merits is to be an up-to-date presentation of the best currently available techniques, in a field where one could easily mistakenly choose an antiquated and rigid technology, or take the risk of a research prototype with an unknown lifespan.


Handbook of Model Checking

With 32 technical articles and 76 authors, this handbook represents a full postgraduate course in Model Checking. If a reader can verify that he or she has read and studied every article, then Springer should certainly award that reader a Master’s Degree inModel Checking! Departments in Computer Science everywhere will certainly welcome access to this major resource. Model Checking has become a major area of research and development both for hardware and software verification owing to many factors. First, the improved speed and capacity of computers in recent times have made all kinds of problem solving both practical and efficient. Moreover, in the area of Model Checking the methods of design of models have contributed to the best formulation of problems. Then we have seen SAT solvers gain unexpected and truly remarkable efficiency improvements—despite theoretical limitations. Additionally, the methodology of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) has contributed to finding excellent ways to pose and solve problems. Uses of temporal logic and data-flow-analysis techniques have also made model checking more naturally efficient. All these contributions have helped solve the ever-present “state explosion problem.” The urgency to make greater strides has increased because new applications in such diverse areas as health care, transportation, security, and robotics require work in the field to achieve greater scale, expressivity, and automation. I would definitely recommend new Ph.D. candidates look seriously into going into research in this field, because success in Model Checking can directly lead to future success in many other activities in Computer Science. Finally, the recent tragic loss of Helmut Veith has been a dreadful blow to his family, friends, colleagues, and students. Let’s take up the flag in his honor to help promote and expand the field in which he was poised to become a recognized world leader. Carnegie Mellon University Dana S. Scott Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley


Automata Theory and its Applications

The theory of finite automata on finite stings, infinite strings, and trees has had a distinguished history. First, automata were introduced to represent idealized switching circuits augmented by unit delays. This was the period of Shannon, McCullouch and Pitts, and Howard Aiken, ending about 1950. Then in the 1950s there was the work of Kleene on representable events, of Myhill and Nerode on finite coset congruence relations on strings, of Rabin and Scott on power set automata. In the 1960s, there was the work of Btichi on automata on infinite strings and the second order theory of one successor, then Rabin's 1968 result on automata on infinite trees and the second order theory of two successors. The latter was a mystery until the introduction of forgetful determinacy games by Gurevich and Harrington in 1982. Each of these developments has successful and prospective applications in computer science. They should all be part of every computer scientist's toolbox. Suppose that we take a computer scientist's point of view. One can think of finite automata as the mathematical representation of programs that run using fixed finite resources. Then Btichi's SIS can be thought of as a theory of programs which run forever (like operating systems or banking systems) and are deterministic. Finally, Rabin's S2S is a theory of programs which run forever and are nondeterministic. Indeed many questions of verification can be decided in the decidable theories of these automata. These automata also arise in other languages such as temporal logic and the fL-calculus. Suppose we take a mathematical logician 's point of view. Each of the classes of automata discussed has a corresponding natural decidable theory. As Rabin showed, many theories can be proved decidable by coding them into S2S. Even structures coded into finite automata have proved to be very interesting; witness the theory of automatic groups in topology and the theory of automatic structures. But when the senior author has asked his students to learn these subjects from available textbooks and papers on automata, they have ended up all over the literature trying to put together a coherent exposition. The authors decided to fill this gap with a single self-contained book. This book is a text suitable for a one or two semester course for computer science or mathematics majors, or for a semester graduate course or seminar. The book introduces at the beginning the rudimentary set theory needed, which can be skipped by most readers, advances slowly through the theory of finite automata, and then progresses to the more advanced subjects and some of their applications. We hope that this book will make these beautiful theories available to a larger audience. No advanced mathematical background is required to follow the book. Now we briefly outline the book. The book consists of a bibliography and six chapters titled: • Basic Notions, • Finite Automata, • BUchi Automata, • Games Played on Finite Graphs, • Rabin Automata, • Applications of Rabin Automata. In the first chapter we discuss some basics of rudimentary set theory needed in the book. The chapter can be skipped by most readers. The second chapter is devoted to finite automata. In this chapter we include well-known theorems, The Kleene Theorem and Myhil-Nerode Theorem, which are usually taught in beginning computer science and mathematics courses on computations. We put some topics in this chapter that are usually not covered in the courses. These are finite automata recognizable relations and finite automata with equational constraints. The last section of the chapter is an application of finite automata to logic. The section proves the decidability of the monadic second order logic of finite strings. The third chapter on BUchi automata contains basic results on BUchi automata and BUchi recognizable languages. In this chapter we investigate the relationship between BUchi automata and other types of finite state machines such as MUller automata and sequential Rabin automata. The chapter contains many basic and well-known results about these machines, in particular The McNaughton Theorem. As an application ofBUchi automata we prove the result, first proved by BUchi, that the monadic second order theory of one successor (known as SIS) is decidable. In the fourth chapter we introduce games played on hnite graphs. These games were first studied by McNaughton in the early 1990s, inspired by the work of Gurevich and Harrington on decidability of S2S. The purpose of this chapter is to give a game-theoretic model for concurrent processes of infinite duration and to familiarize the reader with game-theoretic terminology. This chapter introduces the concept of the last visitation record, which plays an important role in proving some fundamental results in this as well as the next chapter. We also introduce and study update games and update networks. The fifth chapter is devoted to Rabin automata. We present the full proof of the complementation problem for Rabin automata by proving that the complement of any Rabin recognizable language is Rabin recognizable. Our proof uses the gametheoretic technique of Gurevich and Harrington. In the chapter we also discuss automata called special automata, and show that these are weaker than Rabin automata. The last chapter contains a series of examples of applications of Rabin automata to mathematical theories. The chapter shows that the following theories are decidable: monadic second order theory of n successors, the monadic second order theory of all countable linearly ordered sets, the monadic second order theory of all countable unary algebras, the theory of Boolean algebras with first order quantifiers and quantifiers over ideals, and theories of structures related to Cantor's discontinuum. All these were first proved by Rabin in his famous 1969 paper. Our bibliography is relatively short, and by no means represents the full range of papers on automata and applications of automata. Therefore, naturally many papers are not included in the bibliography as extensive and updated bibiographies are available on the internet. We also note that there are excellent survey papers on automata in The Handbook of Formal Languages and The Handbook ofTheoretical Computer Science that give extensive bibliographical lists of papers and books on the subject. See for example papers by D. Perrin (Finite Automata), W. Thomas (Languages, Automata, and Logic), and Sheng Yu (Regular Languages). In gathering the bibliography our basic objective was to show the variety of applications of automata to other areas of mathematics and computer science, e.g., algebra, concurrency, complexity, logic, image processing, hybrid systems, networks, probability, programming, real time systems, topology. All the necessary notation and definitions used in this book are introduced in the text. Some proofs of statements (e.g., theorems, lemmas, etc.) are finished with the box 0 sign. This usually means that there is an exercise following that asks the reader to check the correctness of some segments of the proof. Most parts of this book have been taught in graduate and undergraduate courses for mathematics and computer science students at Cornell University, The University of Wisconsin at Madison, The University of Chicago, and partially at Auckland University in New Zealand between 1996 and 2000. We should mention a group of logic graduate students of Cornell University between 1995 and 1999: Jennifer Davoren, Suman Ganguli, Denis Hirschfeldt, Joe Miller, Robert Milnikel, Reed Solomon, and Walker White. Each of them contributed a number of comments and corrections to the text of this book. Suman Ganguli, Denis Hirschfeldt, and Joe Miller put a great effort into the notes of the course and made an enormous number of corrections and suggestions to improve each of the chapters. We thank Richard Shore (Cornell University), Steffen Lempp (The University of Wisconsin at Madison), and Robert Soare (The University of Chicago) who actually attended those graduate courses, made a number of important comments, and discussed the content of the courses. We thank Sasha Rubin, Auckland graduate student, for checking most of the last chapter, Elena Calude from Massey University in New Zealand for reading and commenting on the chapter on Finite Automata. We also thank Michael Dinneen who has been involved in work related to update games and finite automata with equations. We thank Crisian Calude as we benefited from his comments, suggestions and interest in this book. We acknowledge the support of the DOD MURI program, Marsden Fund of New Zealand Royal Society, and the University of Auckland Research Committee. We dedicate this book to our families (parents, wives, sons, and daughters) for their continuing support.


Yaron Minsky, Anil Madhavapeddy, and Jason Hickey

Programming languages matter. They affect the reliability, security, and efficiency of the code you write, as well as how easy it is to read, refactor, and extend. The languages you know can also change how you think, influencing the way you design software even when you’re not using them. We wrote this book because we believe in the importance of programming languages, and that OCaml in particular is an important language to learn. The three of us have been using OCaml in our academic and professional lives for over 15 years, and in that time we’ve come to see it as a secret weapon for building complex software systems. This book aims to make this secret weapon available to a wider audience, by providing a clear guide to what you need to know to use OCaml effectively in the real world. What makes OCaml special is that it occupies a sweet spot in the space of programming language designs. It provides a combination of efficiency, expressiveness and practicality that is matched by no other language. That is in large part because OCaml is an elegant combination of a few key language features that have been developed over the last 40 years.


惠普打印机Laserjet p2015系列用户指南

惠普打印机Laserjet p2015系列用户指南


使用jboss cache 作为pojo cache

使用jboss cache 作为pojo cache中文翻译版 满江红翻译团队



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